Захватывающие дух акварельные морские пейзажи для начинающего художника. От океанских закатов и очаровательных лесных озер до заснеженных рек и тихих деревень, отражающихся в безмятежном море, эта выдающаяся коллекция картин от Kolbie Blume учит художников всех уровней мастерства создавать целый ряд великолепных водных пейзажей. From ocean sunsets and enchanting woodland lakes to snow-speckled rivers and quiet villages reflected in a serene sea, this outstanding collection of paintings from Kolbie Blume teaches painters of all skill levels to master a range of brilliant waterscapes. Projects like Mountain of a Wave, Through the Fjord, Village by the Sea, Secret Falls and more build your confidence in painting water in all its wild and varied states. The chapters progress in difficulty, with skills building upon each other, helping you to develop and strengthen your abilities as you paint your way through the book. Providing you with all the tips and tricks you need to master the art of painting waterscapes, Kolbie’s approachable step-by-step instructions and helpful hints will guide you from burgeoning beginner to pro painter.
Название: Stunning Watercolor Seascapes: Master the Art of Painting Oceans, Rivers, Lakes and More Автор: K. Blume Издательство: Page Street Publishing Год: 2022 Размер: 162 mb Формат: epub Страниц: 192 Язык: Английский
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