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OpenCanvas 6.1.00 Portable

28 июля 2016. Разместил: T_BAG
OpenCanvas 6.1.00 Portable

Программа, дающая возможность художнику, как новичку так и профессионалу, с легкостью освоить компьютерную живопись. ОpenCanvas это маленькая по размерам программа, с интуитивно понятным интерфейсом, без лишних наворотов, однако сочетает в себе основные достоинства таких гигантов СG (Computer Graphics), как Adobe PhotoShop и Corel Painter. Имеется палитра инструментов, основные фильтры, редактор кистей, в котором можно менять форму, чувствительность, твердость кисти, удобная палитра цветов и т.д. Особенно хорошо OpenCanvas сочетается с графическими планшетами, поскольку реагирует на нажатия пера и его наклон. Т.к. программа была разработана японской компанией она, в основном, является инструментом мангаков и анимешников. Однако возможности программы практически не ограничены.

openCanvas is a paint/drawing software that enables you to record/replay your drawing procedure. If you use the "Event" function (to replay the drawing process), it is quite easy to find out how an illustration was created! openCanvas has a simple interface, nice and realistic brush stroke, and various filters/layers/tones. openCanvas will be suitable for beginners to advanced users.

New Pen
New Pen is added to Pencil, Eraser, Clear Watercolor, and Air Brush functions. You can adjust curve and blur with new Pen.

Free Deformation
You can deform an image from [Layer]>[Deformation]>[Free Deformation].
You can deform selected area from [Selected Area]>[Free Deformation].

Layer Clipping:Let you use the content of a layer to mask the layers above it
[Layer] - [Create Clipping Mask] : Clip a layer.
[Layer] - [Release Clipping Group] : Release clipping.
[Layer] - [Merge Clipping Group] : Merge clipped layers.

Layer LinkФ
By using Layer Link function, you can move around multiple layers at once.
Select the base layer first, and click in a box (next to the Eye icon) of a layer that you would like to link.
If you sucessfully link layers, a chain icon will show up.

Snap: Help with precise placement of selection edges, cropping marquees, shapes, paths, etc..

Snap is effective to:
- All drawing tool
-Fill the selected area

openCanvas Ver6.1.00 has been released.(Jun./27/2016)
Function Addition
-A image in the middle of replaying event file can be saved as a PNG image.When you open an event file, the setup window will pop up. Set up the details and click "OK" to proceed. A GIF animation will be created simultaneously with relaying an event file. (You can also create PNG images in a sequential order.)
-An event file can be exported to a GIF animation.
-[Save Layers in Sequence Number] has been added under the File menu. It enables you to save layers as images in a sequential order.
-[RGB Display] has been added under the Color Window menu.
-You can choose 24bit PNG or Transparent PNG when saving a PGN file.
-Bitmap brush got improved higher-speed.
-(You cannot save a protected event file in a PNG or GIF format.)

Malfunction Correction
-Copying a layer caused memory leakage has been fixed.
-A size got changed when dragging the lower-right corner in the Reference window has been fixed.
-Eyedropper tool didn't pick a color from an inactive window has been fixed.

Specification Change
-An icon location of Ruler window has been changed.
-You can deselect a ruler by clicking a selected ruler in Ruler List.
-Below menu and shortcut key has been deleted.

Год выхода: 2016
Версия: 6.1.00
Платформа: Windows® Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Язык Интерфейса: English
Таблетка: Встроенно
Размер: 9.2 Mb

OpenCanvas 6.1.00 Portable

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